Gardenproud Show Garden opens at Corker’s
“Contemplation” – A Quiet Space
a garden design by George Sykes of Gardenproud
Fighting our way through our busy lives it’s all too easy
to forget that it’s good to stop, enjoy some down time,
and clear our minds.
“Contemplation” has been designed by George Sykes (27) of
Gardenproud to provide that peaceful spot where we
can relax and reflect.
The stepping stones leading to and surface of the sanctuary
use Italian porcelain pavers.
Finally the planting both in the pond and around the garden has been provided by “How Green Nursery” and is designed to reflect the theme, enclose the sanctuary and reinforce the sense of calm. The theme is “white”
inspired Sissinghurst’s famous White Garden.
The Garden features a shallow pond leading to a
sanctuary, sheltered by two English Oak arches where
you can seek refuge on a comfortable bespoke oak bench.
Your eye is immediately drawn to the iron sculpture,
created by local artist Michael Hart, who designed this piece
specifically for the garden. The sculpture includes a series of vertical panels that have been forged by Michael to create a rippling pattern, echoing the
gentle calm of the shallow ponds surface.
Plant List:
Pond –
Nymphaea Candida (Dwarf White Water Lily) – White cup shaped flowers with yellow stamens
Beds –
- Pittosporum tenuifolium – ‘Pompom’ – evergreen balls, c 450mm
- Stipa Lessingiana – Feather grass, a hardy perennial, c 750mm
- Allium Mount Everest – A beautiful cream, statuesque allium, May/June flowering
- Agapanthus Africanus Albus- White , July to September Flowering
- Zantedeschia Aethiopica – distinctive white flowers March – June
- Dryopteris Wallichiana – an outstandingly hardy fern, with upright stems covered in brown-black bristly hairs.
- Cornus Alba Elegantissima – Dogwood, flowering May/June, green variegated with white leaf
- Penstemon Pensham – Artic Fox, summer to autumn flowering
- Salvia Nemorosa – Lyrical- White flowering, early summer flowering perennial
- Spiraea Arguta – “Bridal Wreath” – Spring flowering shrub
- Aquilegia Vulgaris -”White Barlow” – c 900mm, spring/summer flowering
- Leucojum Gravetye – “White snow drops” – spring flowering
- Astelia Chathamica – Silver Spear – Silver green long leaves reminiscent of phormiums, flowering late Spring
- Freesia- Wonderfully fragrant creamy white flowers in Spring
To view the garden in all its glory you can call into Corker’s new show gardens, in Whetstead Road, Paddock Wood.
For further information and help with your garden design
please contact Tim Sykes at Gardenproud on 07725 173820,
or email him at
Whether you are seeking a contemporary, or traditional solution we are here to help you. Gardenproud have been established since 2007, and have designed and built many gardens in the Tunbridge Wells area.
We also have a garden maintenance division which has looked
after many properties locally.
We are based in nearby Matfield, Kent.